Tuesday, April 29, 2014

PMDD, Essure & hysterectomy

It's been awhile since I have done a blog. I started one years ago to promote my Direct Selling biz, or my life as a military wife or products I have tried. But it got tiresome and boring.

But lately I have come to a changing point in my life and I am hoping my experience will help other woman like me. First off I have suffered from PMDD, hell, since I started puberty. I am 40 now. We are talking...lets see...as a teenager, my hair wasn't working right? I'd tear some out by the root and throw my brush so hard against the wall it would break. In my 20's as a waitress, if someone pissed me off, I would have to go to the back of the house and hit something, throw something, yell as somebody etc. I remember one time a customer was just being an ass. I went into the bathroom, in furious tears, just PISSED. I start hitting the paper towel dispenser repeatedly until there was a dent in it. As a graphic designer, I would fly off the handle at the sales reps or talk REALLY loudly so the whole office knew I was pissed. I was NOT a great persont to be around during Aunt Flo's visit.

After having my daughter in 2005, I was looking into permanent Birth Control. Doc told me all about Essure. And since I was really hesitant about surgery, this sounded right up my alley. If you haven't heard of Essure, let me tell ya about it. They put metal(nickel, copper etc) coils into your fallopian tubes. Now this can be done getting knocked out or not and it's not surgery, they just go right up on in there and place them. After 3 months, scar tissue builds up and then you have a dye test to make sure nothing is making it to the tubes and they are blocked.

Got it done, didn't notice anything crazy. That was like 6 yrs ago. SO fast forward to the last couple years, My PMDD got worse ( if you can believe that), to the point where I decided to go on Anti-depressants. Well they worked for about 5 yrs, then last summer, it's like they backfired and decided to go wonky and make it worse. I got off of them a few months ago. I DID find a natural replacement. Garden of Life, Oceans 3 Healthy Hormones. BUT the problem is, I would have to remember to take them AND double, triple the amount during PMS. Then I started noticing other weird things, like bruising easy, weight issues, feeling bloated all the time, Depression/Suicidal thoughts...THIS part was only during pms, no other time, so I KNOW it's hormones and not a mental issue. But with my temper and everything else, sometimes I would think my husband and daughter would be better off without me. Then there was spotting a week before my period, then heavy bleeding/clotting during, Vitamin D deficiency, Iron deficiency, Swelling of my legs in the morning when I get up. So weird, just the first few minutes walking around then it's fine. Migraines..OHHHH the migraines, Chronic Pelivc Pain, Fatgue, ACNE...at 40 years old! Okay I had it JUST during my cycle and it started around age 27, not it won't go away!!! painful intercourse, hot flashes, nausea, dry skin/hair/eyes, hip pain. UGH I HATE this one. When I am down on the floor with the fam, playing a game, its agony getting up again. Anxiety, dizziness, breast pain, menstrual cramping when not on my period.

I found a FB group called "Essure Problems" while combing the web with my symptoms. Then I started reading, and there were SO many other woman JUST like me, going through the same things or WORSE! Much worse! This promted me to make an appt with my doc, who gave me a pelvic exam, and sonogram, then referred me to a gyno. I had a month before my appt to do research on Hysterectomy's, which seemed to be the ONLY way to get Essure out. And I was cool with that, since I am tired of this and my quality of life has gone down because of it. THEN I started researching a hysterectomy and PMDD, and seeing alot of stories where women got their ovaries out because of PMDD. And that going through Hormonal Replacement Therapy was easier to go through than living one more day with PMDD.

In my gut I know that is what I want to do. Today was my appt. The doc said he can't agree 100% that it's Essure that is causing my problems but he can't say 100% that it isn't. And I asked him about the Ovaries, and of course, he said that it's not a good idea to take them, and told me all the reasons I have seen before. BUT he did agree on a hysterectomy, but he is booked up the next 2 months. SO he hooked me up with a new doc, and I see her for my pre-op tomorrow. And I will be going over with her, my history with PMDD and see what she says.

Either way, I am going to record my surgery and recovery for others dealing with stuff like I am. Hoping I can help someone like me :)

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